#161 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 30

Article by Wilson Loo


笨驢稍頓,曰:『講起適應,近日新冠疫情, 隨著接種疫苗人數不斷增加,疫情明顯好轉,疫情居家限聚令,快將解除,我等宅男宅女,可有一段時間適應矣,欣聞教會亦快將回復實體崇拜,『疫中情』也可『功成身退』矣。

小天使彈指一算,『對啊, 『疫中情』與教友共渡時艱, 自去年三月廿一日開始,不經不覺已差不多一年半了,今天『出版』的已是第161期,是鳴金收兵的日子矣,是將目光從疫情的挑戰中轉過來,看看疫後的挑戰矣。』

小天使沉思片刻,若有所悟,曰:『回顧過去年半極富挑戰性的日子,眼見地球村很多事物都因新冠疫情在改變,經濟活動改變了,生活作息改變了。但也更徹底暴露了世界的貧富懸殊,人命貴賤的天淵之別,而更易看見人性兩極, 這邊廂,有盡忠職守,『站在活人死人中間,瘟疫就止住了』 民16:48; 那邊廂, 有自私自利,自以為是, 妄信謠言, 害己害人的. 』

笨驢接曰:『這段困難的日子著實帶來不少挑戰,唯亦帶來不少屬靈反省的機會,更親身經歷到使徒保羅在羅馬書第五章所講,『…就是在患難中,也是歡歡喜喜,因為知道患難生忍耐,忍耐生老練,老練生盼望,盼望不至於羞恥… 因為所賜給我們的聖靈,將神的愛澆灌在我們心裡。』羅 5:3-5

笨驢續曰: 『這年半以來,我們從患難到忍耐,從忍耐到老練,從老練到盼望,此刻如同走到長長漆黑隧道的盡頭,外面的耀眼強光把我們照射得頭眩眼花,看也看不得清楚,前路如何走,卻真是要洞悉聖靈的帶領,行出天父的心意。林寶珠牧師在她七月份的牧函,可真是神給我們的合時雨。祈望教友細心閱讀,更將牧函內的問題,加以祈禱作答. 』


  1. 我們究竟是誰我們究竟是誰--作為一間教會,作為一種聖工,作為居住在密市或周邊作為一間教會,作為一種聖工,作為居住在密市或周邊地方的一名基督徒?地方的一名基督徒?

  2. 現在我們從疫情隔離限制之下走出來,作為一間教會,我們應向甚麼現在我們從疫情隔離限制之下走出來,作為一間教會,我們應向甚麼方向,甚麼目標再出發呢?目的地何在呢?你認為神在呼召我們作甚方向,甚麼目標再出發呢?目的地何在呢?你認為神在呼召我們作甚麼的工呢?麼的工呢?

  3. 我們怎樣才能去到目的地,達到我們的目標呢?我們怎樣才能去到目的地,達到我們的目標呢?

  4. 為要見到此事工得以成就,為達到此目標,我自己願意作甚麼的工,為要見到此事工得以成就,為達到此目標,我自己願意作甚麼的工,我自己願意付出甚麼呢?我自己願意付出甚麼呢? 我在頌主堂的身份是甚麼我在頌主堂的身份是甚麼?? 我是誰呢我是誰呢??

  5. 當上帝細看頌主堂時,上帝看見甚麼呢?』當上帝細看頌主堂時,上帝看見甚麼呢?』



小天使一聲『領命』, 飛奔去了。飛奔去了。

Little angel accompanied stubborn donkey and spouse to Sault in Northern Ontario to attend the wedding of their younger daughter. Having returned to their hometown and having had dinner, they gathered in the backyard to enjoy the shade. The elderly couple seemed a bit ill at ease. Little angel took it to his heart, and said, "What's the matter? Missing your girl, eh?” The two elders stared at each other for a moment.

Stubborn donkey opened the chatterbox: "No, no. When men and women grow up, they get married. We are really happy for our daughter that she finds such a nice young man as her life time companion. The wedding and the reception were so simple due to pandemic restrictions, and yet so elegant and cozy, that made us all the more totally immersed in it. Now that we are back to our daily routine, it probably would take us a bit more time to adjust.”

Stubborn donkey paused for a while, and continued. “ Talking about adjustment, with the increasing number of people getting the Covid vaccine, the pandemic situation is gradually improving: restrictions are being lifted in stages. We who have remained to a large extent homebound, would need some time to readjust to the change. As well, the church will soon be restarting in-person worship, so, the “Love in Pandemic” email network, having fulfilled its objective successfully, can be put on a halt.”

Little angel did some calculations, “Oh, yes, “ Love in Pandemic” has been accompanying our parishioners since the lockdown from March 21 last year, for a total of nearly one-and-a-half-year now. Today’s issue is number 161. It has served its purpose well and is a good time for it to wind down, so that we can shift our focus from the challenges IN the pandemic to the challenges AFTER the pandemic!”

Little angel contemplated for a while, continued, “Looking back at the past one-and-a-half year, life has really been challenging. So much has changed in the global village: economic activities have changed, livelihood for so many has changed. And the pandemic also completely exposed the disparity between the rich and the poor in the world and the vast difference in the value of lives of the rich and the poor in the eyes of men. It’s all too easy to see the polarities of human nature. On the one hand, there are those who are dedicated to their duties and “stood between the living and the dead. And the plague stopped” (Numbers 16:48). On the other hand, there are those who are selfish, self-righteous, believe in rumours, and disregard harm to oneself and others.

Stubborn donkey nodded, “ Indeed this past 18months have brought with it many challenges, but they also provide many opportunities for spiritual reflection. Some people have personally experienced what Paul the apostle wrote in Romans, “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” (Rome 5:3-5)

Stubborn donkey continued, “In this year and a half, we have learnt to persevere during our pandemic challenges; and from perseverance, we have improved in our experience and character; and from our experience and character, we learnt to hope. We are now near the exit of a long dark tunnel. The bright light from the outside makes us feel dizzy so that we cannot see clearly. We don’t know which way to take. Surely we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that we can walk along the path of our Lord. The pastoral letter from Rev. Maria Ling in July arrives at God’s perfect timing. It is sincerely hoped that all parishioners will read it through, pray on it, and then answer the five questions put forward to us.

Little angel rushed to say, “ Yup, 5 questions, let me tell you,

  1. Who are we? As a church, as a ministry? As Christians living in and around Mississauga?

  2. Where are we as a church headed now as we come out of this time of isolation and quarantine? Where do you think God is calling us to go?

  3. How will we get there?

  4. What work am I willing to do to make this, see this happen? Who am I within St E’s?

  5. What does God see when God looks at St E’s?

Stubborn donkey commented, “good job, naughty. Well, maybe we will ask you to handle this task. Do go and liaise with all the fellowship group leaders, and the non-group members, requesting them to pray for this exercise in the coming few weeks, ponder over these questions and then put down their answers on paper. Rev. Maria Ling will also be doing the same spiritual exercise, and hope to discuss on these questions/topics in the fall season, so as to discern what the Lord has prepared for St. Elizabeth’s Church and for each parishioner.”

Little angel replied, “no problem” and hastily dashed out to coordinate the spiritual exercise among the parishioners.

#160 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 27

Article by Yvonne Zheng

今天早上打開網上靈修日程, 讀到一個女仕做麵包的故事。她因家務忙,讓麵團過份發酵。焗出來的麵包外面金黃內裏卻是空心的。空心麵包, 令她想到人往往因別的事情而遠離上帝。對靈命有負面的影響。

在過去一年多的時間,大部份我認識的人都在家工作。在家工作是不是等於多一些時間做自己想做的事呢?有部份人,的確有多餘的時間,在家做蛋糕、做麵包、做家居小裝修、出外接觸大自然或在家「煲劇」。但是有些人的工作量卻比以前多,連休息的時間都沒有。有小朋友的家長,更加活在水深火熱之中。工作之餘還要充當日托保母、網校助教、補習老師、課外活動教練、家中紛争仲裁員和一日三餐大厨等工作。他們隨時或已經變成了空心麵包。 我們在生活忙亂之中,有沒有與上帝疏離?又或者我們在忙亂之中更加信靠上帝?希望大家都能每天抽出時間做靈修工作。因為「那等候耶和華的必重新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰;他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。」(以賽亞書四十:三十一)

I recently read a short piece from The Upper Room Daily Devotional by Stacey Elza from West Virginia. Stacey wrote about making bread with just a few ingredients and simple steps. While she was busy with other household chores she forgot about the bread. Her bread turned out to be golden on the outside but hollow in the middle because she left it to rise for too long. In her reflection, Stacey wrote that if we are distracted from God because of our busy life, our spiritual live will suffer. Like a loaf of hollow bread, it looks good on the outside but is empty on the inside.

For the past year and a half, most of the people I know are working from home due to COVID-19. One might think that working from home gives people more time to do things. Things like baking, bread making, doing household repairs, hiking, or binge-watching TV dramas. But if you talk to parents with young children, working from home can be a nightmare when the children are also learning from home. You would be tired too if you have to be the babysitter, teaching assistant, tutor, gym teacher, peacemaker, chef and the parent on top of working from home. I wonder how many parents feel like they have turned into hollow breads.

Dealing with everyday challenges can be tiring and draining. If we do not take care of our spiritual life, we will end up like a loaf of hollow bread. Spending time with God each day is important for our spiritual health. He shall give us strength when we are weary.

” but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

#159 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 23

Article by Billy Ng


最近媽媽搬入我家居住,為鼓勵她户外走動,每天早上她會為菜苗澆水,更建造高身的菜棚,以免她要彎腰工作,(看附圖) ,她也樂見蔬菜每天不斷成長。看見幼苗於合適的地方、悉心的栽培,就算遇到大風雨,只要有鞏固的根基,也能漸漸成長,成為可供使用的蔬菜。


頌主堂將在9/12日開始,重開實體崇拜,盼望能盡快回到較理想的正常生活,當然前面的路,還有很多的挑戰,我們可以憑著信心一起面對,正如昔日門徒在海面上,遇到大風浪的時候,耶穌對他們說:「是我,不要怕!」(約翰福音 6:20) ,然後門徒的船立時到達目的地。


pic #159.jpg

#158 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 20

Article by Chivas Chu



不知道你們有沒有這經歷,我偶然開車到高速公路的出口,會見到有人拿着一張詰紙寫著請幫忙‘please help’等等的一些字句。在安全的情況下,我也會打開車窗,取一些碎錢交給他,然後說願主祝福你‘God bless you’。通常他(她)也會回應願主也祝福你’God bless you too‘. 目的是希望他們也知道我們這羣信上帝的人也希望可以给這羣較不幸的人的一個祝福。我不用多想他拿到的錢作甚麼用途,或是想他們是不務正業等等。而是他們已經告訴了別人他們的需要。試想想,在烈日當頭下去站在高速公路邊討錢也是一個不好受的事情。我在聖經裏也見到耶穌也有許多動了慈心的例子。我們聽了,也渴望可以行出來。或者這就是聖靈的教導和感動。 或許這是我在疫中情跟你們最後的一個分享,好高興能夠透過在這個平台將我個人的所思所想跟大家在主內互相共勉。

#157 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 16

Article by Wilson Loo

一個天氣酷熱的傍晚,笨驢開了噴水機,為乾旱的土地灑水,小天使一句『唔該哂』,飛跑到花灑下『乘涼』,讓水花為她稍解熱氣,悠然自得,更哼起歌來. 笨驢見小天使之心情,近幾天好像撥開雲霧,開朗過來,遂問曰:『怎麼啦,明天安省放寬疫情限制,正式進入第三階段重開,有甚麼大計,去散心散心乎?』

小天使稍頓,答曰『由開始打新冠疫苗至今,近半年了,最初以為極速回復正常生活,無奈疫苗供應不穩定,加上『D形變種』病毒肆虐,至使自二三月來,第三波疫情洶湧,醫療系統幾不勝負荷,可幸官民同舟共濟,各守崗位,醫療人員更任勞任怨,而『皇天不負有心人』,新冠疫苗陸續充裕供應,市民亦對醫學科學投以信任一票,雖明白疫苗可能產生副作用,但衡其利害,都爭相捲起衫袖,互相配搭之下,適齡注射省民有八成已接受首針,而接受兩針的也超過五成矣。一如所料,隨著打針人數增加,立桿見影,疫情個案跟著除除降下,由高峰時超過每日四千確診, 降到現在的每天不到二百症, 大家都稍為舒一口氣,但仍未敢有所鬆懈。而雖然很多人無論在經濟或其他方面都受著大小不同的影響,但有異於第二波疫情時之倉猝開關,催使第三波一發幾乎不可收拾,現今大家都沉著氣,步步為營,忍耐著,盼望著,盼望著美好的明天. 』


小天使好整以暇,伸個懶腰,續曰:『老實說,環顧地球村,我們的安省, 甚至楓葉國,在這回合的抗疫戰中,真的打了一場漂亮的勝仗呀』小天使搔搔頭,問曰:『這可也是經上所說的 『就是在患難中,也是歡歡喜喜的,因為知道患難生忍耐,忍耐生老練,老練生盼望,盼望不至於羞恥,因為所賜給我們的聖靈,將神的愛,澆灌在我們心裡』羅5:3-5』『喂, 笨驢, 明日晚飯,出街堂食,大快朶頤, 一齊慶祝,我請.』

One hot summer evening, stubborn donkey turned on the water sprinkler, hoping to moisten the dried up lawn a bit. Little angel shouted aloud, “thank you.” And he was already lying under the water shower from the sprinkler system, letting the water soak him up and cool him off. He lay there, relaxed, and started humming tunes.

Stubborn donkey noted that little angel’s mood seemed much better these last few days and asked, “what? The provincial pandemic restrictions will be further lifted tomorrow, entering into stage 3 reopening. Any plan to enjoy yourself?”

Little angle paused, and answered, “it is nearly six months since we started on the Covid vaccination program. At first everyone thought that normality would be achieved very soon. However, due to the interruption of supply of the vaccine and the prevalence of the delta variant, the third wave of the pandemic hit us hard since February or March. The healthcare system was barely able to cope. Fortunately, both the government and the public sit together tight in the same boat, guarding their own posts. And the medical personnel gave their very best, walking extra miles for the sick and the needy. The Lord rewarded our dedication. The Covid vaccine supply grew and was maintained. It was good that the public trusted our medical and scientific profession. Although they were aware of the possible side effect of the vaccines, and after they carefully weighed the pros and cons, most if not all strived to get the vaccine done, and soon, so much so that by now, over 80% of the eligible population had got their first shot and over 50% had their full two shots. As predicted, with the increase in people vaccinated, the number of cases fell gradually, dropping from over 4000 cases per day to now under 200 a day.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but not letting one’s guard down. As well, although many people had been suffering economically and otherwise, unlike during the second wave, when the restriction was lifted so abruptly and unprepared, and causing an unrelenting surge in the third wave; now, all remain calm, patient, and composed, taking gingerly steps, one step at a time, and all looking forward and hoping for a better tomorrow.

Stubborn donkey nodded.

Little angel stretched his angel body, continued, “To be honest, looking around the earth village, I can see that our province, and even our country have really done a good job during this phase of the pandemic. Surely we had fought a beautiful battle.”

Little angel scratched his head, “is it not what the scripture says,`…we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.’ “

“Hi, stubborn donkey, let’s dine out tomorrow evening, and let us have a big feast to celebrate. I will treat!”

#156 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 13

Article by Terence Kim


金卓年 (盧頌欣譯)

六月下旬,我們去安省的Sault Ste. Marie 市參加我姨姨的婚禮。我外公外婆也有去。以下是我對疫中乘車旅行的看法。


在這次去Sault Ste. Marie 市的旅途有三個不同之處:口罩、社交距離、和進食。我覺得很難記住帶口罩,如果我把口罩遺留在車子裏,我就要回去拿。要保持社交距離就即是要與親戚保持距離,變相很少可以相擁,對我來説實在很困難。進食時很不同。在旅途中休息時,我們不能在店子裏吃東西,要在戶外或車内吃。幸好,我媽媽爸爸早有準備。我們帶了盤子,所以我們在車子裏吃東西也不會搞得太髒!

在 Sault Ste. Marie 市,我應邀吃了幾頓飯,大快朵頤:意式、日式、加拿大式都有。這是有史以來我其中一次最大的食物探索旅程。在婚宴上有很多個我完全未聽過的菜式,是意大利和亞洲菜的融合,我叫它做Italiasian意亞式。


A Child's Perspective on a Road Trip in COVID-19

Terence Kim

In late-June, we headed to Sault Ste. Marie, ON, for my aunt's wedding. My grandpa and grandma were coming too. Here is my perspective on a road trip during the COVID-19 pandemic.

When we first came out of the garage, we celebrated because we hadn't gone on a trip for over a year. Inside though, I was scared because I have not yet received any COVID-19 vaccines (I am not old enough). Once I started playing with my brother, I relaxed for this 8-hour long trip.

There were three things different about this road trip to Sault Ste. Marie: masks, social distancing, and eating. The masks were hard to remember to bring. If I left mine in the car, I would have had to go back and retrieve it. Social distancing meant that we had to stay away from my relatives, which meant not many hugs, and that was so hard for me. Eating was very different. At rest stops, we could no longer eat inside; we had to eat outside or in the car. Luckily, my mom and dad came prepared. We brought trays so that we could eat in the car with little mess!

During my stay in Sault Ste. Marie, I stuffed myself, getting treated to multiple meals: Italian, Japanese, and Canadian cuisines. It was one of the biggest food adventures that I've had. At the wedding dinner, there were so many dishes that I never knew existed. It was an Italian-Asian fusion, and I called it Italiasian.

Fun times passed quickly. Before we knew it, we were back home again. This road trip was an unforgettable experience. Even with the pandemic restrictions, most of the trip was exciting and even funny. I think the most valuable lesson is that even in a difficult situation, we can still have a wonderful experience.

#155 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 09

Article by盧頌欣


大兒子第八班畢業了。雖然不能聚首一堂行畢業典禮,但學校出盡法寶舉行慶祝活動。首先,校長在戶外幾個幾個地接見學生和頒證書,好朋友們借此機會在學校外短暫見面。第二天,畢業生乘父母的車子圍繞學校巡遊,老師們在路旁為他們喝采和祝福。車子都繫上氣球、裝飾、和自製的畢業橫額,好熱鬧。晚上有網上聚會,同學們致感謝辭和表演。我大兒子寫了點歌詞來抒發對學校的感情,聽見的老師和同學都很感動。第三天,學校發出一個錄像,有老師的説話,頒獎名單,還有畢業生的名字和他們參與的活動。孩子在疫情裏仍然能有一個很窩心的“畢業禮”, 我很感恩。



A graduation ceremony and a wedding during the pandemic

Joanne Loo

My older son just graduated from Grade 8. The class could not gather for a traditional graduation ceremony, but the school organized a series of celebrations. First, the director met with a few students at a time and gave them their graduation certificates outdoors. Good friends took this opportunity to meet outside the school briefly. The next day, the graduates took part in a parade on their parents’ vehicles around the school. The teachers lined the route to cheer them on and send them best wishes. Many cars came with balloons, decorations, and homemade banners. The atmosphere was incredibly lively and fun. In the evening, the graduates gathered online. Some of them gave thank-you speeches while others performed. My son wrote lyrics to express his love for the school, and his teachers and fellow classmates were very touched. On the third day, the school sent out a video with messages from the teachers, lists of award recipients, as well as a list of all the graduates’ names and their school activities. Given the persistence of the pandemic, I am so glad that my son could still have such a warm graduation.

My sister lives in a small town, and my family drove to attend her wedding late June. The guests of the wedding were limited to close relatives, but the ceremony was live streamed to relatives and friends. Even though there were very few people within the cathedral and we had masks on, we happily witnessed the union of the bride and groom. For the reception, the groom’s parents had set up a large tent in their backyard and spaced out the tables so we could enjoy the dinner safely outdoors. It rained that evening, and we had to be careful not to let the collected rainwater overload the tent. Every once in a while, we had to reach up to push the water off the tent, but no one minded. With so few people, we could easily chat with everyone and get to know one another better, and making a speech was more relaxing. Also, everyone helped move things to the backyard, and my two sons even volunteered to serve the meals. My sister’s wedding and reception were special indeed, and I am happy for her and her husband.

In the past, we were accustomed to certain ways to celebrate major milestones in life. Although our graduation and wedding this year looked quite different because of the pandemic, I am just as grateful and glad!

#154 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 06

Article by Grace Liu


「同行者」這個名字對我來說是很吸引。代表着一份投入、一種承諾、一個委身的盟誓。我認為人生每一個階段都總有一位同行者。打從母腹開始神已經為我選擇了孕育之所。母親與我連體通行。呱呱落地之後,她仍然是那位分秒不離,餵養保護,供應不缺,教導督責之人。直到我找到另一半作同行者,建立了屬於自已的新家庭,母親仍然牽掛不斷。生兒育女進入人生另一個旅程的我, 和身邊另一半同行者面對順境、逆境;短短幾十年,感恩同行者依然有你。


今日回望過去,原來自信主冼禮後另一位同行者已經默默打從我獲新生命時候加入了我的生命中。聖靈已經帶領我每日生活。在自我靈修或透過主日學查經分享時,祂都會引領我的心思意念,藉此嘗試明白神的心意。若不是祂一直帶領,過往逆境豈能勝過呢?同行者除了現在和我一齊讀經禱告的姊妹外,原來還有神在其中。節錄自章伯斯所撰寫的 God is Love上是這樣說:「上帝的本質就是愛,祂的愛彰顯在各個方面。其中藉著祂的聖潔,上帝與人同行及交談。衪向人指示當行的路,使人能以享受祂所命定的福樂。」願意你也加入同行者計劃,再一次與主同行,共同建立一個相愛的群體。

#153 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 07 02

Article by Sunny Wong

寄宿学校惨案 王晨


其实原住民在加拿大居住已有上千年的历史。当英,法登陆加拿大后,建立了加国。他们占用了原住民的土地,留给他们很小的土地面积让他们居住,又尝试同化他们。在不获家长同意的情况下把他们的子女强行带走,送到寄宿学校接受现代教育,强逼他们说英, 法语及改变宗教信仰。在学校里发生了很多虐待,暴力及性侵犯的事件。不少孩童在残酷的生活环境中得病,死亡。














使我作 你和平之子,










Boarding school tragedy

Sunny Wong

Recently in Canada Vancouver Indigenous residential school site found 215 indigenous child remains, also at Saskatchewan an old boarding school site, found around 751 nameless graves belong to boarding school children.

In fact, Indigenous people have lived in Canada for more than a thousand years. When Britain and France landed in Canada, they established a country. They occupied the land of indigenous peoples, gave them a small land area to let them live. They try to assimilate them. Without obtaining parental consent to send their children to boarding school to get modern education, force them to speak English and French and compelled them to change religion. There have been many incidents of abuse, violence and sexual assault in schools. Many children got sick and died in the cruel living environment.

Boarding school in Canada has more than 100-year history, there has approximately 150,000.00 Indigenous children stayed in school, of which about 15,000.00 children died. Boarding schools are managed by the churches. 44 of them belong to the Roman Catholic church, 21 of them belong to the Anglican Church. The boarding school started in 1876 and ended in 1996, which lasted 120 years. The Indigenous who stayed in Boarding school, lost their own language, culture, religion and connection with their family and nation, at the end, they not be accepted by modern Canada society either their own nation tribe. Under the trauma and pressure, most of them have a mental disorder, leading to alcoholism and suicide.

Through more than 100 years, Canada finally recognizes the mistakes they made. Gradually from the government to the RCMP, from churches to educational institutions, there have been apologies and compensations to the indigenous people. The dark history teaches us not to force other people to change. God created different human beings has his will. Humans do not use violence to compel others to change, and compelling is a crime. I hope we can learn from it and stop repeating the same mistakes.

2 Chronicles 28:10

Now you intend to make the men and woman of Judah and Jerusalem your slaves. But aren’t you also guilty of sins against the Lord your God?

Peace Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


#152 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 06 25

Article by Yvonne Zheng


對要用輪椅出入的阿Sam來説,外出走走遠比在家看電視好。超市地勢平坦,沒有日曬雨淋,花錢買嘅都係可以食在肚裏。行超市是一件寓生活於娱樂的事。 而我自己就期待可以和一個住在我家附近的好朋友見見面,敘一敘。這個朋友平時散步都會經過我家門口。女兒和女婿帶孫女去公園也常常和她碰面。連孫女離遠見到她都會揮揮手叫auntie。由居家令開始至今卻只能和她在在網上見面傾談。十分希望可以像以前一樣相約飲茶食飯。


#151 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 06 22

Article by Mandy Li







使者对附近的荒地,盡己之能去关顧,他們都有時有候去施灌溉. 把种子撒發在土地內,不時留心檢察,添養份,務求土地都能把种子開發成長. 由於愛,灌溉有時,就成了有滋潤的土地.農莊还不時邀請專家,帶来專業知識,使嫩綠得到更多精良養份,又令週边有害物質讓接觸者認識能分辨出来,除去,不擾亂嫩綠的健康成長.




#150 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 06 15

Article by Carol Shih







Walk with God and Companion

It has been more than a month since the preparation and promotion of the Companionship project. In addition to walking with people, it is more important to discover that God is walking with us through reading, sharing and reminding each other.

‘Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help.’ (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) In my more than 15 years of companionship, my companion and I are not only companions of each other. The reading and sharing encourage us to discover the light in God’s Word together and how He speaks to us. Her words reminded me of what I could not perceive, and my feelings also gave her another way of looking at the scriptures. It helps us explore more than one person can notice. Besides, we may carry our experience with pains or receive sudden shocks. Two people walking together and experiencing ups and downs can find the mutual support of each other like a rod to lean against in the faith journey. They will not feel alone and helpless.

When two people share, they also share each other's lives. Through the words of God in the reading, we may notice the past and how the values of the original family, the relationship between parents, upbringing, and childhood experiences shaped us and also affected us. The companionship allows us to identify and follow God’s light at our pace. It can let the past become a blessing to ourselves and those around us. For sure, we can look forward to the future according to our circumstances. We can also look forward to better things for ourselves in the future because of the hope given to us through God’s words. We can believe that God's plan for us is better than what we can imagine and ask.

The sharing helps us to connect our past, the present and the future slowly. It is not only a reflection from our heart and the response of the companion, but also God speaks to us through others and reading. It may help us discover spiritual gifts, push us to face challenges and answer to our beliefs. It may also point out our blind spots and raise out cautions. It may even ask us to respond to his call. Therefore, the companionship is relationship between the two persons and God.

Over the years, I have been profoundly benefiting from companionship. Especially during the pandemic, we support each other more. I hope that you can also find it beneficial. Your pairs can listen to God's words together and know God's footprints in your lives. God bless.

#149 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 06 15

Article by Billy Ng


上月5/12日剛巧是汶川大地震13週年,報章上記者追訪,其中一位倖存者,舞蹈老師廖智的近況,去年我已在疾中情#62,於7/21日中分享過她的故事,她雖然劫後重生,但卻失去深愛的女兒、婚姻破裂、更失去了雙腿,她說:「苦難不會改變人的生命,但是生命可以改變生命。」她憑著堅毅的信念,裝上義肢後繼續她的舞動人生,感動更多人面對困境。在報導中她現已再婚,育養兩個可愛的兒女,現任丈夫Charles更是當年為廖智製作義肢的一位技師, 相信這也是上帝的美意之一。




#148 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 06 11

Article by Joel Chiu









#147 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 06 08

Article by Margaret Loo


第 1 階段:60% 的成年人接種了一劑疫苗。

第 2 階段:70% 的成年人接種一劑疫苗,20% 的成年人接種兩劑疫苗。

第 3階段步:70% 至 80% 的成年人接種一劑疫苗,25% 的成年人接種兩劑疫苗。


去年,加拿大統計局做了一個有關注射新冠疫苗調查,結果顯示, 被訪者中有76% 表示願意接受疫苗注射,亦同時顯示,約有四分一的被訪者不願意或不肯定接受疫苗注射,而他們的理由是對疫苗的安全性沒有信心, 或是擔心疫苗的副作用。 當時,加拿大首席公共衛生醫療官對這調查結果回應時指出,在推出疫苗注射計劃時,有需要針對不願意或不肯定接受疫苗注射人士的特殊需要,考慮採取不同的措施。

在過去幾個月, 相信大家可能留意到, 安省在安排疫苗接種的過程中, 有多方考慮到接種者的困難和特殊需要,透過創意和彈性的安排, 和與民間團體的合作,提供不同接種按排。以下是一些例子 : 疫苗接種中心有不同的開放時間,包括在假日開放,以方便要上班的人士。有流動疫苗接種中心, 進入疫情熱點地區服務。有工作人員,進入個別疫情嚴重地點服務, 如學校,工廠,老人院等。亦有工作人員,為因健康或其他原因不能離家的人士提供上門注射服務。而政府則透過各種傳媒, 不斷定期提供有關新冠疫情和疫苗的正確資訊。

安省的疫苗注射計劃,去年十二月推出,開始時因疫苗供應不足,步伐緩慢,疫苗注射率偏低。當疫苗供應問題解決,疫苗注射率急起直追,根據加拿大政府網業資料,安省五月底的疫苗注射率是 (起碼接種了一劑疫苗) 是 56.32%.隨著接種率的持續上升,自四月中三波疫情高峰至今,全國日增病例已經下降了70%。


這亦是一個很好的提醒:信徒有了主耶穌寶貴的福音, 還要針對不願意或不肯接受福音人士的特殊需要,考慮採取不同的傳講福音的方法 , 邀請他們信主。

#146 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 06 04

Article by Chivas Chu

整整超過一年多的疫情,隨著安省市民開始接種疫苗,我和太太都為己為人去打了第一針。期望可以早些打完第二針之後便可以有更好的免疫果效。我再沒有跟起初一般的每天坐在電視機前面去留意有關疫情的最新消息。不是我不再關心,而是漸漸學會了怎樣去調教自己的心情,不譲這疫情再帶給自己太多在情緒和心態上的負面影響。反正身邊有許多朋友都會WhatsApp 我有關的情況。眼見到身邊所認識的長者當中也被一個接一個的居家令限制而漸漸變得呆滯和不愉快。雖然多次嘗試開解他們,但是最終還是沒有太大的改變。

我多次在想和問自己,到底自己有這世紀大疫情下有幾信靠上帝。我跟別人一樣,也會有軟弱的時候。一方面嘗試去鼓勵這些長者,另一方面又是自己內心的爭扎。感謝主,我們的軟弱祂是淸楚知道的。每次當我們想到好渴望可以盡早返香港探望兒子但又因現時的隔離要求限制而不可行的時候,我便想起這一首詩歌「信心的等待」「Wait with Faith」,歌詞話 ”明天怎麼你仍是不知道,越想得到的總會得不到”,這並非指我們永遠也得不到,只是不會在我們預期之內得到,一切都是在神的旨意之中,深信祂是會為我們預備一個又適合的時候去做這件事情。因我知道”盼望”因祂而來,感謝祂為我們編寫的一切。


#145 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 06 01

Article by Justin Kim


金正顯 (盧頌欣譯)




“要常常喜樂, 不住地禱告,


帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:16-18


One jab at a time

Author: Justin Kim

Recently, my clinic began administering COVID-19 vaccines. The procedure and documentation were different from those of the usual vaccines we give in the office. My team and I had to learn a whole new database program. Once a vaccine vial was opened, it was only good for 6 hours, so we had to organize all the appointments in advance to prevent wasting the precious vaccines. The whole process was a lot more work and it kept us very busy, especially on the first day. When I finally sat down to take a break, a familiar emotion came upon me – one that I have not felt since I got my own COVID-19 vaccine a few months ago.

When I was getting ready to receive my COVID-19 vaccine, I did not expect to feel much reaction. I was used to getting my annual influenza vaccines in the same hospital every fall. It was my duty to protect my patients by getting all the relevant vaccines. So, as I would usually do, I rolled up my sleeve and got my first COVID-19 vaccine. Unexpectedly, my eyes started to well up with tears. No, the needle did not hurt that much. Those were tears of joy that we were one step closer to the end of the pandemic. Those were tears of guilt that so many of my staff, patients, colleagues, family, and friends were still not on the vaccine list, and I got one due to my hospital work. Those were tears of wonder that science came through once again. Those were tears of appreciation for all those who made this vaccine possible. Those were tears of relief that the end of the pandemic may be one step closer.

As I was administering the COVID-19 vaccines in my office, my patients’ reactions must have jogged my memory. They smiled. They thanked me. They happily waited the required fifteen minutes in the office after their jab. They left the office with an extra bounce in their steps. Despite all the training for me to stay professional, I could not help but become a part of that joyful occasion. I was thankful that I could administer the COVID-19 vaccines and continue to care for my patients, both in my regular office. I was happy that I was able to share the sense of relief with my patients. I was glad that a few more people became protected from COVID-19. I became more hopeful that we could beat this pandemic together. I thank God that I was able to share His love, one jab at a time.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)


#144 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 05 28

Article by Grace Liu

疫中情- 生命牆.下

今天又再次在露台默想。突然傳來一陣陣機械摩打聲。原來幾位園藝管理工人正在修剪這一道生命牆。(一種我不知名的高矗植物附圖) 。 他們把包裹樹幹的麻布拆去,把頂尖一段约1 呎剪除;又把不整齊的橫枝修正。反正沒有特別事情,走出露台看究竟。工人們在清理剪下的斷枝外更細心地把藏在樹叢底部的垃圾抓出來。有飲品盒、膠水樽、纸巾、口罩和零食。最終,所有垃圾清理後工人放入木碎並倒入樹腳下,細心鋪好完成。


到這刻我似乎有點領悟…… 一連串解釋似曾相識,我們的天父不也在做同樣的事嗎? 聖靈帶領我們行直路,我們因自己錯而犯罪。每週認罪文可幫助我們醒察,把身上「垃圾」清除。天父也會出於祂的慈愛而作出管教、修剪;在過程中我們會痛。感恩的是只要我們願意悔改,天父會與我們同行,加添力量。最終是讓我們長得更像祂,活出更豐盛生命來榮耀祂。隨着園藝工作人員的離開,一個回頭的揮手和微笑,好像是對我説:孩子「你真的明白嗎?」我也揮手點頭,謝謝天父。

#143 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 05 25

Article by Sunny Wong

关于菲利普亲王 王晨

我们小时候都喜欢听王子和公主的故事,这里就来说说我们身边的一个王子的故事 —刚去世的英国菲利普亲王。


好景不长,在菲利普只有18个月大时,他的希腊国王祖父被刺杀身亡,他的大伯继位,在一战期间被逼退位,皇族大部分成员被流放到瑞士。几年后全家重返希腊。他的父亲安德烈王子参与了希腊和土耳其的战争,战争对希腊不利,安德烈王子被责犯错,全家第二次被流放到了法国, 靠亲戚的资助生活。菲利普的母亲爱丽丝精神失常被关入治疗院。父亲离开了母亲和一个演员同居。他在不同的亲友家及寄宿学校度过童年。在法国,德国及英国成长并接受教育,后在英国皇家海军服役并与女皇相恋结婚。婚后一直在女皇身边支持相伴。他们的婚姻成为皇室历史上最长久的婚姻。在皇室生活并不容易,尤其是漫长的73年婚姻。他的子女不被英国皇室及国会允许继承他的姓,需延用英国皇室的姓。他幼年的经历把他磨练成一个坚强的人。他亲民,幽默,直言不惟。他创立了爱丁堡公爵奖,用以帮助和鼓励14-24岁的年轻人接受挑战突破自我境界,又支持750个世界组织, 为英国及世界做出贡献。


About Prince Philip, Duck of Edinburgh

Sunny Wong

When we were young, we all liked to hear the stories of princes and princesses. Here is the story of a prince near us—the British Prince Philip who died recently.

Prince Philip is the husband of Queen Elizabeth II. He and the Queen are actually relatives; they are both great-grandchildren of Queen Victoria. Philip is the son of the daughter of the daughter of Queen Victoria. Elizabeth is the daughter of the son of the son of Queen Victoria. Philip himself was the prince of Greece and Denmark. His mother married Philip's father, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, who lived in Greece and gave birth to Philip.

The good times didn't last long. When Philip was only 18 months old, his Greek king grandfather was assassinated and his uncle succeeded. He was forced to abdicate during World War I. Most members of the royal family were exiled to Switzerland. The family returned to Greece a few years later. His father, Prince Andrew, participated in the war between Greece and Turkey. The war was not good for Greece. Prince Andrew was accused of making mistakes, and his family was exiled the second time, they moved to France, living on financial support from relatives. Philip's mother, Alice, had a severe nervous breakdown and was sent to a treatment center. The father left his mother to live with an actress. He spent his childhood in different relatives and friends’ homes and boarding schools. He grew up and received education in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, and later served in the Royal Navy and married the Queen. After marriage, he has always been with the Queen to support her. Their marriage became the longest marriage in royal history. Life in the royal family is not easy, especially the long 73 year marriage. His children are not allowed to inherit his surname by the British Royal Family and Parliament, and the British Royal Family's surname shall be used. His childhood experience honed him into a strong man. He is down-to-earth, humorous, and outspoken. He founded the Duke of Edinburgh Award to help and encourage young people aged 14-24 to accept challenges and breakthrough their boundaries. He also supported 750 world organizations to make contributions to the UK and the world.

May God carry the spirit of Prince Philip and comfort the Queen and her family!

#142 疫中情 // Love in Pandemic

2021 05 21

Article by Elaine Wong
























