2020 05 20
作者 Article by: Sunny Wong
在隔离期中学习 Sunny Wong
新冠肺炎隔离至今已近两个月了, 滞留家中,生活方式有很大的变化。本来忙忙碌 碌的生活节奏一下子停顿了, 心理和生理上都需要适应。
我没有停下来, 最初的一星期应学生的要求,我开始拍摄, 剪辑,发布我教的一种 坐在椅子上的运动叫 "Sit & Dance 并放到 YouTube 上发给他们。所有的工作都是我一个 人在做, 这也成了一个学习过程。我把 iPad 放在一个乐谱架上, 按了音乐,再按录影,走 出去拍,结束后又走回来关机。一共有四十个不同的舞, 花了我三天的时间完成拍摄。 接着我要把走进走出的部分剪掉,再发布。边做边学,做过就学会了。现在成了一家老人 中心的网课。以下是视屏。
能不出去尽量不出去, 我开始做园艺,一来可以晒太阳, 呼吸新鲜空气, 二来可以 做运动。先把入冬放进地库的水管拿到后院。后院十几年前种过两颗小常春藤,十几年后 ⻓得到处都是,去年秋天雇人来把它除了。地面是干净了, 但仍有很多根未除净。我开始 一处处的挖根,什么工具都用上了,最后发现最好用的是老虎钳,当地湿的时候, 用老 虎钳拔,一拔就一根。常春藤的根是⻓而直的, 很容易拔,以前不知道。 买回来的百合花 根球,以前种在外面从来都没生⻓过, 大概给动物吃了。这次用花盆在室内种,已经发 芽了。 我把葱根, 莞茜根,蒜头都种进土里,也都生⻓了。番茄切片种进土里,也都发 芽了。这是通过实践学习。
接着,复活节快到了,排舞班的学生告诉我很怀念跳排舞,不知几时才能复课。我 想到拍一些排舞的视屏给她们做复活节礼物。拍了之后想到应把示范及教授的两部分连接 成一个视屏, 再加上标题,这样易于学习。从没这样做过,花了半天时间尝试,结果成 功了。 又一次学习,以下是视屏。
我还在用 iTunes 编排我的教学音乐,将约 1000 首乐曲放进我编排的组别,方便寻 找。有些歌名不是舞名,不易记,要改名。有些歌我不记得名,要再从 YouTube 找舞及 歌的资料,或用 Shazam 找歌名。也是一个学习过程。
我又开始重读圣经,重读归纳成不同组别的经文及历史背景,可以理解得更深刻。 我已经完成了歌罗⻄书。另一次学习。最后我想引用歌罗⻄书的一段经文:
信心及盼望: 歌罗⻄书 1:4-6
因 听 ⻅ 你 们 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 的 信 心 , 并 向 众 圣 徒 的 爱 心 。 是 为 那 给 你 们 存 在 天 上 的 盼望 。 这 盼 望 就 是 你 们 从 前 在 福 音 真 理 的 道 上 所 听 ⻅ 的 。 这 福 音 传 到 你 们 那 里 ,也 传 到普 天 之 下 ,并 且 结 果 增 ⻓ ,如 同 在 你 们 中 间 ,自 从 你 们 听 ⻅ 福 音,真 知 道 神 恩 惠 的 日子 一 样 。
让圣经的教导坚定我们的信心,坚信上帝的大能,坚守并活出基督徒的本份,共同 度过难关。
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Learning during Isolation It has been two months staying home since the isolation of the Coronary virus, the lifestyle has changed. The rhythm of the busy life suddenly stopped, we all need to adapt it physically and psychologically.
I didn’t stop. At the beginning of the week, from the request of my students, I started to shoot, edit, and publish a chair exercise called Sit & Dance and posted it on YouTube. I done it all by myself, which it becomes a learning process. I put iPad on a music stand, press the recorder, start the music then walk to the floor start filming, when I finished, I walk back to shut off the music and camera. There are forty different dances, it took me three days to complete it. After filming, I have to edit it, cut the walk in and out part off then publish it. Now the Active Adult Centre use it as their online course. I learned it while I am doing. Below is the video link
I try to staying home as much as I can. I start gardening. By doing it, I can get sunlight and fresh air, it also gives me exercise. I took the garden hose out from basement it been there since last winter. I had two small Ivies planted in the backyard about 15 years ago, they are growing everywhere. Last fall I decided to removed them. I hired a gardener to removed it. The ground is clean now, but there are many roots still in the soil. I start to digging them out. I tried different tools. At the end, I find the best one is the pliers. When the ground is wet, use the pliers to pull it out one by one. The root of the ivy is straight and long, it is easy to pull. I did not know it before. I bought some lily flower bulb, I planted it outdoor before, it never grown, probably eaten by animals. This time I planted it indoor in a flower pot, it is sprouting. I also planted onion roots, Coriander roots, and garlic in the soil, now they are growing. I cut tomato to pieces planted in soil, they are budding. I learned it through practice.
Then, when Easter was coming, my Line Dance students told me how much they missed the class and we don’t know when the class will resume. I made some Line Dance videos as Easter gifts for them. After finished few videos, I thought if I can put demonstration part and the teaching part into one video with title, it will be easy for people to learn. I haven't done it before. It took me half day to try, it turned out fine. I learned again. Here is the video link.
I also using iTunes to arrange my teaching music, I try to arrange about 1,000 songs into different groups. It will be easy for me to find songs. During the processing, I found some songs name are not dances name. I have to change the name. Some of the songs I don’t remember the name, I have to check YouTube to find information or use Shazam to search the song. It is an another learning process.
I started to read Bible again, review the Scriptures and historical background summarized into different groups, it helps me understand better. I have completed the Colossians. Learning again!
Here is the scripture from Colossians, about faith and hope:
Colossians 1: 4-6
Because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people— the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you. In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace.
Let the teachings of the Bible strengthen our faith, firm us believe in the power of God, keep us live up to the Christian spirit overcome the difficulties together.
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