2020 05 28
作者 Article by: Margaret Loo
踏入五月,安省的新冠疫情進入了一個新階段, 政府開始展開一連串邁向回復常態的計劃。似乎現在是一個適合的時候, 回顧一下, 在新冠病毒肆虐全球的這段時間中, 到底神要我學習一些什麼功課呢?
對很多人來說, 這是一段很痛苦的時間,有人失了親人, 有人失了工作,有人失了自由, 有人失了健康…….全是負面的經歷! 縱然如此, 在世界各地不時傳來一些感動人心的故事。在這裡, 節錄了幾個故事和大家分享。
一位比利時九旬婆婆,染上了新冠肺炎。而住院期間, 這位婆婆拒絕使用呼吸機, 並告訴醫護人員「將它 (呼吸機) 留給年青患者吧, 我已擁有一段美好的人生。」兩日後,她病情急轉直下,不幸病逝。
一位在香港一間醫院工作的醫生,在疫情發生之際, 被安排到隔離病房照顧確診者, 為避免和家人接觸帶來感染風險, 她留下71 歲的母親和15 歲的兒子在家, 自己搬到醫院附近的酒店暫住,直到疫情受到控制, 才搬回家。
在疫情期間,每晚深夜時分, 在香港一間醫院的走廊上,總會見到有一個人在奔跑,這是一位運作助理,負責運送鼻液樣本前往實驗室做測驗。她盡量趕在凌晨一時實驗室關門前, 將樣本送到實驗室。由於未有測驗結果就不能確診,而留院的確診者, 則必須連續兩次化驗結果呈陰性方才可出院。因此運作助理不敢怠慢, 分秒必爭。
一位99歲英國老兵, 因COVID-19,家人未能為他舉行100歲生日派對,女兒對他打趣說, 若他在生日前每天在後花園來回步行100次,她便會每一次給他一英鎊作獎勵。最後他們把這個有趣的主意放在網上平台, 為英國國民保健處增添抗疫設備籌款。全國國民熱烈回應,在他100歲生日那天已共籌得超過三千萬鎊。他沒有舉行盛大生日派對, 卻收到逾12.5萬張生日咭為他賀壽。
這些故事的主人翁, 來自世界各地, 在疫情中,他們和我們一樣,感到恐懼, 卻以忘我犧牲的行動作出回應,盡顯人性的光輝。 感謝神,將這些疫境英雄賜給我們,成為我們疫情生命旅途上榜樣, 並教導我們相信逆境中在神的看顧下仍有真愛。
The Covid-19 pandemic in Ontario entered a new stage in May, with the provincial government launching a series of plans to facilitate the return to normalcy. Now seems to be a suitable time to do some reflection. What is the lesson that God has prepared for me during this period when the coronavirus raged across the world?
For many people, this is a very painful time. Some people have lost their loved ones. Some people have lost their jobs. Some people have lost their freedom. And some people have lost their health ... All are negative experiences! Even so, there are many touching stories from all over the world. Here are the excerpts of a few l stories which I would like to share with you.
A Belgian elderly lady in her nineties contracted Covid-19. While in hospital, she refused to use the ventilator and told the medical staff "Leave it (the ventilator) to young patients. I already have a good life." Two days later, her condition deteriorated sharply and passed away.
A doctor working in a hospital in Hong Kong was placed in an isolation ward to care for the patients diagnosed with Covid-19. To avoid the risk of infection from contact with her family, she left her 71-year-old mother and 15-year-old son at home and moved to stay at a hotel near the hospital. She stayed there until the epidemic was under control before moving home.
Every night during the pandemic, there is always a person running in the corridor of a hospital in Hong Kong. This is an operation assistant, who is responsible for transporting nasal fluid samples to the laboratory for testing. She tried to get to the laboratory before the one am closing time. The diagnosis cannot be made without the test results, and those who stay in the hospital must be negative for two consecutive tests before being discharged. Therefore, the operation assistant tries not to cause any delay in the delivery. Every minute counts.
The family of a British veteran was unable to hold the 100th birthday party for him because of COVID-19. The daughter joked to him that if he walked back and forth 100 times a day in the back garden before his birthday, she would give him a pound each time as a reward. In the end, they put this interesting idea online to fundraise equipment for the British National Health Service. Nationals across the country responded enthusiastically, raising over 30 million pounds on his 100th birthday. He did not have a grand birthday party, but received more than 125,000 birthday cards to celebrate his 100th birthday.
The people of these and many other similar stories come from all over the world. They may feel scared as we do. But they responded with actions of selfless sacrifice, showing the best of humanity. Thank God for giving us these heroes as examples of pandemic life and teaching us that true love is possible under God’s care even in the pandemic.